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Halloween Cupcakes

I volunteered to make the snack for the Halloween party for Kaira's class.  These were a ton of fun to come up with and her classmates loved them...

Spiders on 

their webs

Graveyard cupcakes



Mummy cupcakes

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Our Pumpkin

Kaira came up with the idea for the design and helped scoop out the guts of the pumpkin.  I sketched the design according to her instructions & carved the pumpkin.  The result of our team effort was this cool pumpkin!

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Our Costumes

Kaira wanted to dress up as Hermoine (from Harry Potter) this year.  




I included a picture of Kaira 

in her costume alongside 

a picture of Hermoine... 

pretty good likeness!

Another picture of Kaira in her costume.

Kaira and her friend, Kaitlyn, 

getting ready to go trick-or-treating.


And there was a Halloween party thrown by one of the ER docs that we went to, which meant that I had to have a costume too.  I cheated and borrowed Kaira's witch hat from a couple years ago and went as a witch.  


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And for breakfast on Halloween morning....

Jack-o-Lantern pancakes!

Kaira did the faces on some of these.  

And she thought the 

spooky 'blood' syrup 

was pretty funny.